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Family Promise Outreach Donations


Since 2014 Family Promise of Cobb County has partnered with local congregations to provide shelter, meals, and support at one third the cost of a traditional shelter. Case management services guide families as they work their way to stable housing. As a result, 81% of prior year graduates remained housed after one year.

St. Catherine’s was there at the beginning offering space for FPCC offices for the first couple of years. We have assisted families in transition through outreach funds, Christmas and Easter offerings, special collections of money, clothing and special items along with offering 50+ volunteers once every quarter since 2014 (even during 12+ months of Covid lockdown).

Family Promise’s focus is all about the children. When families are homeless, the children are the ones who suffer the most. So St. Catherine’s and other partner churches and synagogues have provided whatever is needed to make a safe and secure place for families to get back on track to provide for their kids.

Through this simple, mainly volunteer program by churches, from 2019-2022, 33 families have put their kids back into homes again. This is such a gift for these moms and dads, but mainly for the children who are experiencing the secure knowledge that their parents are able to provide for them – housing, food, clothing, education and even the special things like birthday parties!

You will again have an opportunity to help these folks provide for their children during their transition in three different ways this May:

  1. Ingathering of items and gift cards – (Molly Banko –

  2. Supporting the “Keeping Our Kids on Course” Annual Golf Tournament fundraiser on June 6 at Indian Hills (Linda Scott - Linda Scott

  3. Or, sign up to help with our next Hosting on June 12-19 in our Youth House (contact Margaret Shaw for details -

So Thank You St. Catherine” because “There’s no place like home!”

For the month of May, we will be collecting for Family Promise:

  1. Gas gift cards

  2. Detergent

  3. Pillows

  4. Cleaning supplies especially paper towels

  5. Juice drinks for kids

*donations can be left in the bins across from the parlor*


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