What to Expect.
📍Location: 571 Holt Road NE Marietta, GA 30068
You can easily find us using Google Maps or any navigation app. Once you arrive, you'll see our sign, and our greeters will meet you inside our doors with warm smiles to guide you.
🚗 Parking
We have designated "green" parking spots for all guests and newcomers.
🔗Connect Center
Once inside, you will find the "Connect Center" immediately to your left. There you will find more warm smiles to greet and orient you to our church.
👗👕What to Wear
Dress as comfortably or formally as you want.
⛪️ Services | What to expect*
8:30 AM | Holy Eucharist Service: A shorter service, with fewer verses of hymns and occasionally accompanied by singing from our children and youth choir.
Christian Education | 9:45 AM: We believe Christian learning is transformative. From birth to grave, we embrace a life-long process of learning about the God who created and redeemed us. Faith seeks understanding, and that is why we offer a robust catalog of learning experiences from our youngest to our oldest. Learn more HERE.
11:00 AM | Holy Eucharist Service w/ Chancel Choir: Formal and familiar. Full verses of hymns, more complex music, the leadership of our Chancel Choir and an often chanted liturgy will be the hallmarks of this service.
👶 Children and Youth
We welcome children of all ages into our worship service. Children are signs of vitality and life. As we seek to include people of all ages and capabilities, we joyfully embrace those who sometimes make a joyful noise!
Should little ones need a break, we offer nursery care during the service for infants through children age four from 8:15 AM-12:15 PM. You are welcome to take your little one to childcare at any point during the service. Any of our ushers will guide and assist you.
Our lobby also functions as a "cry room," if needed, replete with children's materials. It is a great location where parents can bring their children and still hear the service.
🍩 Refreshments
After the service, join us for some refreshments in the lobby. It's a great opportunity to meet new people and learn more about our church community.

*A note about Eucharist
Every Sunday, we celebrate Holy Eucharist, or The Lord's Supper. This is a holy meal of bread and wine offered at the altar rail. You may also choose to receive the bread alone or receive a blessing instead. Gluten free bread options are available. If you feel called to this table of mercy and grace, know there is a place set for you.

We believe everyone is on a journey toward God
and the best journeys happen step by step...
Step 1
We believe worship is the source and summit of the Christian life. That is why we come together every Sunday to pray, sing, read Holy Scripture, and celebrate the ancient tradition of Holy Eucharist.
Step 2
We believe community is the heart and soul of the church. No one can be a Christian by themselves. That is why we gather not just on Sundays but throughout the week to build relationships and supporting one another. Through these connections, we find strength, encouragement, and a sense of belonging that helps us live out our faith in-between Sundays.
Step 3
We believe Christian education has the power to transform us. That is why we dedicate ourselves to lifelong learning, through classes, Bible studies, and courageous conversations.
Step 4
We believe service is the hands and feet of our faith. That is why we commit to serving our community and those in need, following Christ's example of love and compassion. Through charity and justice, we live out our calling to be a light in the world, making a tangible difference in the lives of others.